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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The power of opinion

Everybody has one, or two or a few hundred .................That is an opinion or opinions on something or even maybe on everything... Without any doubt that is a fact !

There is probably nothing wrong with opinions. In fact if you do not have one in all probability one or more will be given to you. By your parents, your friends, your teachers, your pastors or dominees et all.

What am I on about ? 

Where did your opinions originate? It all started the second you were born .  Untill you started to understand and started to have a will of your own 1, 2, 5,6  years later your opinions, likes, dislikes, were given to you by your parents, grandparents etc.   Some young children I know do not drink sugar in their coffee as they were never introduced to sugar.  This was not their choice, it was their parents' ! The right or wrong of any opinion is not at stake here. Being right or wrong is also just an opinion - by the way.

Lets move on to the opinion young children in school have about religion for example.  Children brought up in a Christian home will have Christian views. Muslim children on the other hand will have Muslim views. It is given to them and they never have the opportunity to question those beliefs. In fact they will most probably be disciplined if they do question those beliefs.  I know most Christian parents will have some explanation on "we will give them all the facts" but they do not give them "all the facts" unbiased as they are "not in a position to understand at that age"  That age being anywhere between 1 and 21 or even older.

Once you start chatting to people in general about what they belief to be right or wrong my viewpoints here comes out as clear as daylight.  People belief their beliefs are right . Right ?  Right ! They will debate their points of view to the nth degree and in 99.9% of the cases no matter what the outcome of the argument or debate they will not change that view. Right ? Right !

When I was still very young (I am now not very young anymore - just young) fundamentalists had a list of "sins"   It was a sin to smoke, to go to the movies, go on holiday, wear a bikini. If it was on the list it was a sin. And doing anything on the list made you a sinner.  You did not have a say about the list. Nothing has really changed over time.  It is still how it works in certain circles !

Fundamentalists are found in every walk of life : Christians, Muslims, Hindus, even amongst atheists !
They fundamentally belief that their fundamentals are the only right ones and anyone differing from this( Their viewpoint) is wrong.   They will use all sorts of historical figures and scriptures to (try to) prove their point.  The only problem is that the person they are trying to prove it to might not belief in their "proof"

My final question here : Have you ever wondered why you do not question the status quo of things?
Or do you ?  Do you get involved in debates about things - all sorts of things because you want to be politically correct or you think you are going to step on toes and that is not what you do?  You can debate anything with anybody and when the going gets tough get out of the debate when it becomes an argument with the following words " Let us agree to disagree"  And stay friends - but do not change your viewpoint !

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Human Spirit and growing old(er)

Recently whilst watching a bit of Rugby (which incidentally was a great achievement for me as I view rugby as reasonably monotonous, as is most sport ) some quotes on advertisements by one of the sponsors about the human spirit caught my eye.  The fact that the sponsor is a bank really surprised me as I have never seen a bank align themselves with their quotes.    This one doesn't either. But that is not the reason for this post

The Human spirit. It does not grow old so why should our thinking do ?
When we have no more challenges the human spirit will start decaying - It has nothing to do.  So what am I saying ?  

We have moved into a retirement village recently and somehow suddenly things are starting to change. The way of thinking in the village is different. Everything is happening slower. Ok not everything - I haven't seen more of a hive of activity from workers like over here.  Everyday something is being done somewhere. Roads are cleaned, communal grass is being watered and cut, new trees are being planted all over the village etc.
Come evening ,around 4.30 or so the workers disappear magically and the residents start walking themselves and their dogs. Now suddenly it is time for chatting and if your door is open yesterday's new friend might just pop in.  Got to get used to this !

The point I am getting to : Retirees are not old people - they are just perceived to be so.   They have the knowledge of a lifetime and once one starts to chat with them you find out that all they want is to be acknowledged. And to become a friend or acquire a new one.   You are not here to impress anyone - Should you have a flashy car that is your problem - no one is impressed. I think the fact that every single one of us had to unclutter our lives ( I literally threw away at least 40 years of accumulated junk which is more than what is left ) is a bit of an equalizer.

I will be posting some more on this subject in the coming months - just have to align myself to this new life !

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Born free and other racist analogies

"Born free" is a cliche coined for those born after 1994 in South Africa. Of course without intention from anyone this refers to black children born after 1994.  Black is beautiful - White is a no-no.   (Black is not a color; a black object absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum and reflects none of them to the eyes.   White is a color. White reflects all the colors of the visible light spectrum to the eyes.)   This just for the left brainers out there and has no relevance to the article.

a Few other words in this whole shenanigans of race et all needs to be explained here as I will be using them further on in the text:

Partisan : Someone or something that is prejudicial towards a particular point of view.

Animus:  A strong feeling of dislike or hatred,   A feeling of animosity; ill will
BEE:         Another word for racism as practiced in South Africa for the past 20 years 

Affirmative action :   The fear of 90% of a population that the other 10% will deprive them of opportunities and the consequential laws to counter this fear.

South Africans are a funny bunch - actually a funny mixture of people of colour.  Lots of debate is going on about how we interact or should interact with each other.  The normal populace, commonly referred to as the "man in the street" does not care much about the shenanigans of the government or the commentators.  We have a life to live.  Certain challenges face certain people of certain skincolour but then again who gives a damn.

South Africa is the only country in the world and probably in history where the 90% majority is being given prevalence over the other 10% in a system called BEE and where preference is given to you depending on the colour of your skin under the premise of affirmative action.   The problem is that the definition of the word is not how it is applied here. (look it up - I am not going to do all the work for you) Another description of the system is called Positive discrimination.   Any form of discrimination is discrimination fullstop.  An attempt at passing a so called positive discrimination act in Arizona in the US has nearly made them the skunks of the earth - luckily they saw the light of day.   When the light of day in darkest South Africa is going to break through the clouds is of course any one's guess. 

Getting back to the born frees. If you were born, irrespective of the colour of your skin after 1994 when South Africa became a "born free democracy" in effect you have grown up in the "New South Africa"  BUT and this is the big BUT.  if you are anything but white you are covered by the BEE system and you do not have to worry. Now why White "Born free" youngsters are excluded from this exclusive club is beyond my understanding.  This is where the 2 words Partisan and animus comes in.   The Government is partisan to the idea of BEE (maybe it is just plain racist) and they are also animus towards the idea that the White born frees are going to take over the country in some way or another. 


Monday, February 3, 2014

Piet Retief ; Die ware een

Hierdie artikel het in Beeld 2 Oktober 2012 verskyn.   Maak daarvan wat jy wil 

Die ware Piet Retief

2012-10-02 22:17 
JC van der Walt

Die Voortrekkerleier Piet Retief is ’n held in die Afrikaner-geskiedenis, maar hy het ook ’n donker kant gehad, skryf JC van der Walt.

Toe Dingane Piet Retief so grusaam op 6 Februarie 1838 vermoor het, was hy ’n ongerehabiliteerde man. Nadat sy boedel in Januarie 1850 beredder is, het sy kre- diteure slegs 9% van die geld teruggekry wat Retief hulle geskuld het.

In 1813 het die regering ’n kontrak aan Retief vir die lewering van rantsoene aan 1 200 troepe op die oosgrens toegestaan. Retief het gou daarna versuim om sy leweransiers te betaal. In 1814 het hy aan die maat-skappy Matfeldt en De Necker die reuse-bedrag van 83 247 rijksdaalers geskuld. Dit was gelykstaande aan vyf keer die jaarlikse salaris van goew. Sir Andries Stockenström. Retief kon nie sy skuld betaal nie en die regering het sy kontrak gekanselleer.

Op 4 Julie 1814 het die brandarm Retief met Lenie Greyling, ’n skynbaar welaf weduwee, getrou. Retief het haar erfporsie van 5 000 rijksdaa-lers verkwis en Greyling is as ’n armlastige dood.
Lt.kol. Willshire het teen die lawaai en dronkenskap van die soldate by Retief se kroeg beswaar aangeteken en op 31 Augustus 1819 het die regering geweier om Retief se dranklisensie te hernu.
In 1822 word Retief as veldkommandant van Albany aangestel, maar hy word afgedank nadat hy met die regering oor twee boukontrakte in onguns gekom het.

Tussen 1823 en 1824 het Retief 20 keer in die hof verskyn weens skuld wat hy nie betaal nie. Retief sweer ’n eed voor God, in die teenwoordigheid van heemraad Miles Bowker: “Ek besit geen goedere van enige beskrywing hoegenaamd nie.”

Dit was ’n doelbewuste leuen, want in daardie stadium het Retief 1 000 skape, 300 beeste, 80 perde, 11 slawe, plaastoerusting, waens, meubels, gewere en ’n klavier besit.

Retief het by verskeie geleenthede valse verklarings afgelê.

Die eerste uitverkoping van Retief se goed is in Maart 1824 gehou.

Tempest, sy ingevoerde resiesperd, is vir 5 500 rijksdaalers verkoop. ’n Erf op Grahamstad plus sy perdewa, ossewaens, beeste, skape, perde en ’n klavier is verkoop. Retief se agt slawe het 12 050 rijksdaalers behaal en vyf erwe het 2 480 rijksdaalers behaal.

Die opbrengs van die vendusie in 1824 was 31 361 rijksdaalers. Ongelukkig het sy krediteure ’n verlies van 2 254 rijksdaalers gely. Hulle is nooit betaal nie.

Retief was nou in groot geldnood.

In 1826 het Retief 141 skape en 30 bokke op krediet gekoop by Maria, ’n slavin. Hy het ’n skuldbewys onderteken om die slavin 249 rijksdaalers te betaal. In 1827, nadat die slavin en Joseph van Dyk, haar eienaar, 18 maande lank probeer het om Retief te oorreed om sy skuld te betaal, meld hulle Retief se swak gedrag aan by die beskermer van slawe in Kaapstad. Retief het die slavin nooit betaal nie.

Tussen 1827 en 1829 het Retief meer as 20 keer in die hof verskyn weens onbetaalde skuld. Tussen 1830 en 1833 het Retief 19 keer in die hof verskyn weens die wanbetaling van sy skuldeisers. Retief is toe bankrot verklaar.

Op 4 Januarie 1832 het W.E. Smith Retief gedagvaar oor sy skuld vir 80 gelling Franse brandewyn en 18 gelling Franse wyn.

In Maart 1832 het J.H. Heath vir Retief gedagvaar vir die wanbetaling vir Franse brandewyn en wyn. Die vonnis kon egter nie uitgevoer word nie omdat Retief se besittings onder beslag was. Mev. Lenie Retief het aan die hofbode gesê: “Ek het geen geld in die huis nie.”

Kapt. Duncan Campbell, Albany se magistraat, verklaar Retief “nulla bona” op 18 April 1832 en Retief word tronkstraf opgelê. Retief ontduik die gereg, maar in Augustus 1832 word hy in Grahamstad vir die wanbetaling van verskeie skuldbewyse opgesluit. Hy weier om 58 gelling vir “ou Madeira-wyn” aan sy vriend, die vrymesselaar Benjamin Norden, te betaal. Norden het Retief verskeie kere vir skuld gedagvaar.

Uitendelik het Norden sy eis afgeskryf en Retief se skuldbriewe betaal. Daarna is Retief uit die gevangenis vrygelaat. Norden het slegs 9% van sy eis teen Retief se bankrot boedel teruggekry.

Op 28 September 1832 het T.H. Hales, die bode van die hof, al Retief se huishoudelike besittings in die Grahamstown Journal geadverteer.

Gedurende 1833 was Retief se finansiële posisie uiters desperaat. Hy het probeer om as toesighouer oor houtkappers in die regering se bos, Coeremoe, ’n karige bestaan te maak. Hy is egter nalatig en word op 8 Oktober 1833 deur magistraat Duncan Campbell ontslaan.

Retief was ook by verskeie oneerlike transaksies betrokke.

Op bedrieglike wyse het hy die afmetings van twee van sy erwe in Grahamstad vergroot. Nadat hy die erwe aan die regering verkoop het, word hy uitgevang. Kol. Henry Somerset het in 1820 die volgende aan landdros Jacob Cuyler geskryf: “Mnr. Pieter Retief het homself wangedra en dit was baie onwelvoeglik van hom om die regering te bedrieg.”

Retief het besluit om die regering met ’n skema te nader om sy eie huis in barakke vir soldate te omskep. Op 11 Maart 1822 het lt.kol. Maurice Scott geskryf: “Ek verstaan dat Retief se finansiële posisie uiters benard is. Hy beskik oor geen ander middel om homself uit hierdie vuur te kry as om die huidige aanbod van die regering te aanvaar nie.”

Op 7 Mei 1822 het die regering ’n kontrak van 40 000 rijksdaalers aan Retief toegeken vir die bou van die barakke. Op 6 Julie 1822 het die regering ’n verdere kontrak van 25 000 rijksdaalers met Retief vir die bou van ’n drosdy gesluit.

Retief het die regering met 10 000 rijksdaalers bedrieg deur dubbele fakure, vir werk gelewer, in te dien. Toe die regering die bedrog in Augustus ontdek het, het Retief reeds al die geld gespandeer.

Op 25 Maart 1823 het lt.kol. Scott geskryf: “Ek kan u verseker dat dit met groot spyt is dat ek, namens die regering, ’n kontrak aangegaan het met ’n man sonder enige beginsels hoegenaamd; dit was my ondervinding met Retief.”

Die regering het Retief vir 10 000 rijksdaalers gedagvaar en op 3 November 1823 het regters P.J. Truter en B.B. Borcherds Retief skuldig bevind. Retief se appèl is summier geweier. Die regering het besluit om Retief se kontrakte te kanselleer.

Retief het verskeie persone, ook weduwees, met geld bedrieg. Hy het byvoorbeeld sy slaaf, Jack van Mosambiek, aan verskeie krediteure vir geld verpand. Retief het sy krediteure 20 jaar lank ontwyk deur valse verklarings onder eed aan die bode van die hof af te lê. Sy familie het selfs die geregsbode met geweld uit sy huis verwyder.

Tydens ’n vergadering van sy krediteure op 26 Junie 1834 het George Jervis, die prokureur, gesê: “Hierdie boedel is reeds 15 jaar lank insolvent.”

Retief word op 8 Oktober 1836 bankrot verklaar en hy het besluit om by die Groot Trek aan te sluit.

John Mandy, die eienaar van die Freemason’s Tavern in Grahamstad, het Retief in Januarie 1837 vir 228 rijksdaalers gedagvaar “vir drank, losies en vermaaklikheid aangebied en verskaf op versoek deur Pieter Retief”.

Op 1 Februarie 1837 het Retief ’n brief aan sir Andries Stockenström geskryf en die regering verantwoordelik gehou “wat my welvaart ontneem het”. Op dieselfde dag het hy sy skuldverhoor in die hof ontwyk. Op 2 Februarie 1837 het Retief vanuit sy pos as veldkommandant gedros en sy beroemde manifes is op dieselfde dag in die Grahamstown Journal gepubliseer.

Stockenström het Retief op 6 Februarie 1837 ontslaan en presies een jaar later het Koning Dingane goew. Pieter Retief by uMgungundlovu vermoor.

- Dr. Van der Walt is die skrywer van Zululand True Stories, 1780 to 1978 waaruit hierdie artikel kom. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Financiers, Consumers, Debt Collectors, Lawyers and other Animals.(Episode 2)

Episode 2 
Financiers, Consumers, Debt Collectors, Lawyers and other Animals.

What happens when a debtor defaults on his/her commitments towards a Creditor.   What are the actions Creditors take ?
Without going into too much detail one or all of the under mentioned is going to happen:

The debtor might phone the creditor or visit them at their place of business to discuss his problem. The Creditor might phone the debtor. Invariable a letter of demand will be in the mail already.  Initially all will be very cordial and possibly an arrangement as to how this is going to be rectified will be made.  All fine and well?   Nooo not really…………..  Should the debtor default on this arrangement the tone of voice and accompanying facial expressions is going to change. Smiles disappear.  
You will be greeted by a very official good morning Mr.  You will not be John or Mary anymore. You will be Mr or Mrs……………

Just for clarification : It is in all probability not the doing of the debtor that landed him in the predicament. One of a few things could have happened.

Firstly The creditor might not have given execution to his required caution in terms of the NCA in that he might not ( More than a 50% probability) have evaluated the debtors ability to repay the borrowed money.  This could be classified as reckless lending which could cost him the loss of the full capital lend out. (This action will be discussed in more detail later)

Secondly The debtor might have encountered a few  problems:  He might have had a serious sudden expense (broken down vehicle, burglary,  whatever) This can normally be handled in a month or so if the creditor plays ball and extend the possible arrears.
He might have lost his job, might have been retrenched, his business might have a cash flow problem or any other real reason.  The reason normally is of no real concern to the creditor.  You see ….as far as they are concerned it is the problem of the Debtor.

Now the problem might escalate. The debtor might not be able to honour his commitments anymore and will start avoiding the threatening phone calls, Sms’s or emails.  The Creditor will now send out a notice in terms of s129 of the NCA which by law have to be received by the Debtor before any legal action can commence. Please not I say RECEIVED. ( in a recent case commonly known as Sebola it was established by the constitutional court that proof of receipt of this notice must be given and not just proof of dispatch thereof)

Normally at this stage the debt might be given over to debt collectors who will start the process again of phoning and threatening the consumer.   In some cases, depending on the bank’s view of possibility to collect, the debt is ceded to the debt collectors who now operate on the view that you owe them money.  Should the debtor make an arrangement with them they will collect a collection fee as well as interest.   They will in all probability send the debtor an AOD (acknowledgement of debt) where amongst others the debtor will wave his right defend any action and consent to judgment.

I will in future episodes handle all the different ways and tricks Creditors use to extend pressure and stress on debtors.   For now I am only going to list a few actions a DEBTOR  might take and cautions to observe when dealing with Creditors.    I know I might get a lot of flack from a lot of people (mostly creditors) but what the heck.  I am playing with the lions tail and I might just be gearing up for a class action of sorts – details later.

Here are the  7 cardinal rules when confronted by a Creditor:
(Just remember : should this land a court of law the creditor will use every piece of paper and every word in a conversation against you)

1.     Never admit to owning them anything – not verbally or in writing.
2.     Never make specific arrangements you do not have 100% control over.(and you most probably never have 100% control over anything!)
3.     If phoned by a debt collector no matter who they are insist on them identifying themselves.  The following are the bare minimum you request they email to you:
a.     A copy of their mandate from the Creditor to act on his behalf.
b.     A copy of the debt collector’s registration certificate with the debt collectors council.
c.      Proof that the caller are actually employed by the Debt collector agency.
d.     A copy of the original alleged instrument of debt.
e.     A full copy of how they have arrived at the alleged amount owed to them.
f.       Full details of the relationship between the debt collector and the debt – is he operating on behalf of a creditor or has he taken session of the debt.
4.       Never but Never sign anything – Like in Never.
5.       If you ever consider to ignore rule 3 see a Lawyer first !
6.       Especially never sign a new AOD  - never !
7.       Do not agree with anything that is said to you on the phone- remember
  you do not know who the person on the other side is.

Episode 3 to follow

Financiers, Consumers, Debt Collectors, Lawyers and other Animals.

Episode 1

This blog post has had a long incubation period. Probably not quite the right word, it is more a question of was I going to go the route or not but I do think the time has come to start pulling the lion’s tail.

As we all know DEBT and CREDIT probably means the same thing. They are both swear words and worse than the one’s you hear on TV.  The moment you are given credit by a Financier you are in DEBT. The process and documentation involved are really very intricate although most financiers do not really think so.  The arrangement between you and the creditor now are regulated by various acts. I am discussing this specifically in the South African context.
Over a long period of time the government of the day, in its unfathomed wisdom created acts that govern the relationship between the parties and I am quoting a few of these:
1.     The present National credit act
2.     The Consumer affairs act
3.     The Supreme court act 1959
4.     The Magistrates court act 1979
5.     The attorneys act 1979
6.     The debt collectors act 1998
There are a few more but these are the main acts I might refer to in this post.  
The relationship between a consumer and a creditor are born out of the consumers’ need for money and the creditors’ ability and willingness to lend this the consumer.  This is not the extension of a service to the consumer, it is the need (or greed) of the creditor to make money out of the transaction. 

As an interlude the above definition nullifies all banks’ claims that “we are there for you” or “what can we do for you” and all that bull.

The present National credit act (NCA) governs to a great extend the initial relationship between Creditor, Debtor, contract requirements, defaults et all.
For the purpose of this post I am specifically referring to the possible (and in most instances inevitable) decline of the relationship if (when) the lender defaults.   What is import to notice here is that the financier (Bank – whoever) evaluated the debtor’s financial position as per instruction by the NCA  and upon finding it to their liking extended the credit to the debtor with the aim of making money out of the transaction.   The relationship always had a 50/50 chance of success at best.
Either the debtor would be an angel and keep his job, get increases at regular intervals and pay his required payments as arranged.  Or he could lose his job, his business could fail, he could be retrenched, he could get ill to the extent that he no longer can earn an income.  There are a few hundred more reasons this could happen.  The point I am making is that this invariably happens to good people too!
Unlike what banks say in some of their threatening letters I still have to encounter a debtor who “Choose not to pay us” or “choose not to honour your agreement”.
Now once(if/when) this relationship do go south the client's status immediately change from “client” to  “ Problem” with the accompanying change in tone of voice when he is spoken too. Also the accompanying change in facial expression, tone of letters etc. 
How does a debtor handle this? I will not go into the reasons for the decline but only as to what happens and how does a debtor defend himself against the onslaught of verbal abuse he or she is going to have to endure.

In episode 2   I will discuss what exactly happens to the creditor and what is done from the creditor’s side.

In Episode 3    I will discuss the actions a consumer can take to defend himself against the onslaught. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Stressed out? Read this, you just might sleep better tonight

I started writing a blogpost on stress. It is much longer than this and I might finish it one of these days.  Now you must understand that a lot of Stress experts might differ from me.  But that is not my problem, it is theirs!
This is precisely the point I want to make:   Who is in control of your life ? You or the rest of the world ?
Most people have opinions and beliefs that was and is given to them on a daily basis and which they embrace.  They will not differ with the dominee, pastor, priest, doctor, lawyer, creditors, et all for the simple reason that it is not done. They are the authority on their subject and they know better.  That is why I am posting this on this blogsite. That is because that is Bulls..t.  That is why you are getting stressed out.

I recently had a call from a lawyer firm's call center of behalf of a creditor   ( SABC Tv licenses) claiming I owe them money.  I said to the agent that I have not had a tv for the last 7 years and that I have informed the SABC about this fact 7 years ago. " Can you prove it sir? "  "No, I cannot and I am now finished talking to you"  "You have to talk to me!"    I simply put the phone down.

Why am I so sure of myself ?  Because I know the facts.  There are laws governing this type of interaction in South Africa and the one's most applicable here are:  The Anti Harassment act, The consumer affairs act and  the act on prescription of debt. ( I know the inner workings of these acts as if I have written them)

In this little interlude I am making the point that the 2 major stress agents in life is people and money  (or the lack thereof, or the ownership someone claims to your money)   Are you with me ? The main problem however is that people do not have the capacity to deal with these interludes for the simple reason they do not not seek professional help.  The quoted interlude happens daily to thousands of people and they will just endure the harassment and get stressed up more and more with every additional interlude !

There is an old Chinese proverb ( I love to call it Chinese proverbs because anything that I do not know the source of I attribute to them) that says :  "If you don't know, nod wisely, leave calmly and like hell to get an expert !"

Just for today:  Refuse to be a victim,  instead choose to be a victor.   Stand your ground like a man/woman who claim the right to be their own number one ! Take deep breaths before deciding to react to the other drivers finger language.  Ditto when you get shoddy service and be very polite yet absolutely affirmative in your response to claim good service.  Once you get going on this list it just seems to be never ending and you start to feel in control more and more every day.

(Read my follow up on how to deal with pestering call center agents and how to project all the stresses of the situation onto them)(shortly) 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Interesting facts about Cerials

Whilst hunting for tips on getting your cholesterol in check I found a lot of writings on the subject and will be posting some of them here
This article by Readers digest could be a good indication of whether your breakfast diet(or that of your children ) is in good health :

With recognition to Readers digest website : Homepage>Health>Healthy Eating>

Doing research on getting one’s cholesterol in line I found some interesting articles and this one especially caught my eye. Interesting facts about Cereals

 Sneaky Ways “Healthy” Cereal Makes You Fat

Outsmart these common cereal slip-ups to pick the healthiest breakfast cereal and pump up the nutrition in your bowl.

1. Is cereal really dessert in disguise?

Scan a typical grocery store aisle. With about 130 varieties of cold cereal, each box yelling its seductive “low sugar!” “high fiber!” “great source of whole grains!” health claims, it’s easy to feel, well, bowled over. “Some cereals are as healthy as salad, others are like scarfing down a chocolate eclair," Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, author of The Flexitarian Diet, recently told Health magazine. "But while there are a lot of sugary cereals, happily, it's easier than ever to find a really nutritious one." Here’s how to find the healthiest cereal for you.

2. When your healthy cereal is a sugar bomb

Grab your favorite cereal box and look at the ingredient list: You may be shocked to see that some form of sugar appears—perhaps multiple times—in the first few ingredients. “Even if a cereal is made from whole grains or loaded with other healthful ingredients, a high sugar content disqualifies it from my list of top picks,” Today contributor and nutrition expert Joy Bauer, RD, says. Too much sugar adds unnecessary calories, and it also spikes your blood sugar and primes you for a mid-morning energy dip. Enter snack cravings!

Healthy cereal makeover: Expert recommendations vary, but most say look for fewer than 5 to 8 grams of sugar per serving. (Don’t judge a box by its cover: Quaker Honey Graham Oh!s cereal, for instance, has 12 grams, while Lucky Charms cereal has 10 grams.) For great options, check out FitSugar’s list of low-sugar cereals, where most have 5 grams or fewer. If you still can't give up on your favorite, mix it with a serving of low-sugar cereal.

3. When your healthy cereal skimps on whole grains

Whole grains are linked to weight loss and a decreased risk of diabetes and heart disease, and a bowl without them should be a deal-breaker. But it can be confusing, thanks to misleading front-of-box claims like “More whole grain than any other ingredient!” and “with whole grain first ingredient.” The Nutrition Action Healthletter, a newsletter from the watchdog group The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), warns that in roughly half the cereals that make those claims, the second ingredient is refined.

Healthy cereal makeover: The label you’re looking for is “Made from 100% whole grain.” Check the ingredient list—the first ingredient should be preceded by the word “whole.” One exception is bran, which can’t call itself 100% whole grain, but is still a great source of fiber. Ideally, the first two ingredients should be whole grain, bran, fruit, or soy, according to the CSPI’s “Best Bites” rating system. Some that make the cut: Post Bran Flakes, Kashi GOLEAN, and General Mills Fiber One 80 Calories.

4. When your healthy cereal contains fake fiber

Fiber deserves a place in the Nutrition Hall of Fame for its ability to promote fullness and lower the risk of certain chronic diseases, but cereals that boast of sky-high levels are probably using added isolated fibers such as chicory root fiber, soy fiber, or psyllium. The Nutrition Action Healthletter says that there “isn’t good evidence that these lower the risk of heart disease, constipation, and diabetes the same way intact fiber, the kind in the outer layer of whole grains, does.” And research suggests that inulin (chicory root) doesn’t give you the same fullness as innate fiber, according to Health magazine.

Healthy cereal makeover: Choose cereals with at least 3 to 5 grams of fiber, but be skeptical of claims like “40 percent of your daily fiber,” warns the Nutrition Action Healthletter, which is a sign the fiber isn’t the natural kind. Of course, the easiest way to pump up the fiber in any cereal: Top it with fruit. A half-cup of raspberries has 4 grams, about 17 percent of your daily need.

5. When your healthy cereal is pumped with sodium

You’ve probably heard that our national love affair with salt is more a result of processed foods in our diets than the stuff in the shaker itself. Sneaky sodium packed into foods that don’t taste salty (like cereal) tricks our taste buds into craving salt, which can lead us to other waistline-padding junk food.

Healthy cereal makeover: To make the cut for Self’s Healthy Food Award guidelines, cereals have no more than 250 milligrams of sodium per cup. (Kelllogg’s Raisin Bran, for example, has 210 mg.) However, we often eat more than the serving size—so be mindful before you reach for seconds.

6. When your healthy cereal is missing protein

If your cereal bowl is naked—pretty much just the flakes and milk—it may be too low on protein to keep you sufficiently satiated, which can impact how well you eat all day long. In a new University of Missouri study, people who ate a high-protein breakfast (eggs and lean beef) felt more full, had fewer cravings, and were less likely to snack on high-fat, and high-sugar foods at night, compared with a group who ate a calorically equivalent bowl of cereal or no breakfast.

Healthy cereal makeover: Add a tablespoon of nuts or flaxseed to your favorite cereal for an extra protein boost, or top Greek yogurt (an excellent source of protein) with a small handful of your favorite cereal flakes for crunch.

7. When your healthy cereal forgets to make friends with milk

The milk you add to your cereal helps make it a more nutritious meal by contributing protein, calcium, and other key nutrients. Harvard research shows that people who eat dairy foods frequently are 21 percent less likely to develop insulin resistance, and 9 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. What’s more, fortified vitamins and minerals are sprayed on cereal and dissolve in milk, according to Health. If you don’t drink all of it, you miss them.

Healthy cereal makeover: If you don’t like milk, eat your cereal dry to get all of the added nutrients, and get a dairy boost from other sources, like Greek yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese, the magazine recommends.

8. When your healthy cereal serving is too big

In a recent test of portion control savvy, Family Circle magazine volunteers poured cereal bowls that were twice as big as those recommended (1 1/2 cups and 240 calories compared to a 3/4-cup, 120-calorie serving). Do that with a calorie bomb like granola, and it could take a real toll on your waistline.

Healthy cereal makeover: Don’t assume you know what a serving size looks like! Measure it out and see how it fits into your bowl so you know how to eyeball a healthy portion. Also, consider eating with a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon, recommends Women’s Health magazine. This can make you eat more slowly and cut your overall calorie intake. Another neat tip: Eat the cereal out of a coffee cup instead of a big bowl to trick your brain into thinking you’re eating more.

9. When your healthy cereal stays out on the counter

Believe it or not, keeping the box in plain sight may make you more likely to top off your bowl or take a couple of handfuls here and there all day long. Grazing like this can add up to a serving or more, says Women’s Health.

Healthy cereal makeover: Put the cereal away after you pour it. If you like to snack on your favorite flakes during the day, portion out the serving size you want in little snack-sized baggies. Consider mixing basic whole grain flakes with nuts, seeds, and mini chocolate chips for a satisfying trail mix.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Challenging the banks to put their money where their mouths are

Here is my challenge to banks: Please tell me why I should bank with you ? Massive weekend advertisements focuses on cost saving but nothing is said about client service - How knowledgeable is your staff when it comes to my needs as a client ? This is a question probably not answerable as easily as it seems - Think on it before you answer - I will be posting the answers on FB

    • Absa 
      John, a rather ominous and open-ended question indeed. We'd like to respond with the following: What we do; is offer great customer service delivered by talented, motivated people. How we do this is entirely different set of individual processes; The Group seeks to have a customer-centred mindset in everything it does to deliver a consistent customer service experience and to demonstrate professionalism and integrity in serving its customers. Absa has and continuously employs talented, energised and passionate people to make this happen. The Group also strives to create an enabling environment for its employees, which in return provides leading-edge service to our customers. Thank you.
      John Brandow Very ominous and open ended indeed - will soon comment on this on my own blog and send you the link - The theory is very nice - I would like to challenge you to prove it after I have related some my own experiences. I have sent the same question to all 4 of the major banks - lets start a discussion on this ?
      4 minutes ago · 
      Absa ‎John, unfortunately we will not engage with our competitors in an open ended online debate. It is against our Business Policy. If you would like this process to be formalised, please ensure that you use the correct channels for such an inquiry or processed debate on the matter. Thank you.
      2 minutes ago · 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Can you bank on your bank ?

The recent altercation between Absa and Solidarity and the massive advertising campaigns in the Sunday Press prompted these comments.
What are banks really focusing on ?   Where in the whole picture is the client ?  Do banks actually know what clients want ?
Here are some observations:

The main focus in the advertisements are costs.  Every one of them promises to reduce your costs.  Of course this is very important. They have been screwing their clients all along and now they are correcting the wrongs of the past and pay exorbitant advertising costs to tell us that.

Nowhere in any of the ads are there any mentioning of increased CLIENT SERVICES.

Nowhere in any of the ads does it tell you we will be looking after ENTREPRENEURS. Or we will make sure there are properly qualified staff to do the interviews with prospective clients.   Has anyone ever really ASKED clients what they really want ?

I walk into a banking hall ( and I have done that to 3 of them on the weekend)  No smiles unless I asked them where are the smiles ?   The guard at the cashier gate at one of them was checking us out as if we were going to rob the bank.  The Cashiers was not impressed because they were working on a weekend.  The formidable barrier between client and cashier makes you feel you are visiting a relative in jail and he really does not want your visit.  The pens at the desks of two of them did not work.  One was fixed to the counter with a piece of dirty string .

This is just my introduction on what I perceive as what is wrong with our banks - Watch this space 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Absa vs Solidarity

A very interesting duel is developing between Absa and Solidarity.  This might just become a very interesting study in the power of Social Media.
As we all know Banks lie through their teeth and they will cheat to the nth degree to get what they want - If you differ from me I will send you some proof of this in my own encounters with this same famous bank. So far Solidarity's action has had over 380 000 tweets going around - The largest every initiated by a trade Union in South Africa.  

What is really the truth ?  I know people that have gone through the layoff process - Absaspeak off course gives a different view. They were actually told to clear out their desks,  being "marched out the office" and escorted out of the building with no regard to dignity - I can just see the smirks on the faces of the managers standing watching on the side. Unfortunately we cannot reveal their identity as this might just jeopardize their "possible re-employment"  by the bank.

Maybe , Just maybe Absa should stop their court action - It is not going to go well off with clients - But lets wait and see.  

See also my comments on the blog : 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Bull about colour

Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome is an illness where the persons having it has difficulty in reading amongst others black writing on white paper.  It can also be described as "restricted field of clear vision", and has a common name : Irlens disease.  This is treated with very good effect by introducing other colours into the equation.   That is the first definition I need to explain here.  The second one can be called " Constricted field of vision"  it's common name being tunnel vision.  My perseption is that it is not really treatable.  You do not see the sides of the tunnel - just the little light at the end of the tunnel.  The latter is figuratively speaking whilst the first one is a physical illness. Both however can be used figuratively as I am going to do here. 

Getting back to Irlen: It shows that colour is of the utmost importance, whilst the problem mainly lies in black and white.  I am not going discuss the definition of certain colours here and I am also referring to white and black as colours.  Colour is a fact of life and the spectrum is enormous.  The reference to "people of  colour" normally refers to people that are not white.
Traditionally in the Western world people of colour have been suppressed and oppressed a lot, also in South Africa. During the last century or so things have slowly started to change to the extend that the mightest of nations now has a president of colour. The whole government in South Africa now basically consist of "people of colour"  

Now it is a fact that "people of colour" are very sensitive about the colour of their skin and any reference to it will immediately be labled as "racist"    The previous government introduced labour reservation which basically reserved certain work for Whites only.  Come the new government they just relabled it and tweeked it a bit and called it "Affirmative action"  Any student of the latter definition will know that the definition as it was originally created in the USA actually stated the opposite of what it is used for here. (The colour of your skin cannot influence your job application.)

In forums where I am involved in on the internet it is evident that the colour issue has not and probably will not in the near  ( or even distant ) future be laid to rest.  Terms like white supremists and black consciousness are quite often mentioned.  You will see that I am quoting these things with no feeling for whatever colour is involved.  I feel nothing for one of the terms. It is being kept alive by laws of a visionless government with visionless leaders. Their ability to see the outside from anywhere but the tunnel they are in is totally constricted. Hence the referal to tunnel vision. ( I have argued the point about BEE and its sister Affirmative action before and still contend it to be the core of sustained rascism )

Lastly (for now anyway) the issue of perceptions.  It cannot be argued away that certain perseptions are being kept alive by all sorts of people and the press.  Some of these are : "People of colour are more likely to be a criminal"  As you all know : The truth has nothing to do with this , it is only the perception that counts.
Now people make videos and films on this and try and proof a point whilst the film or video actually creates the perception.  Another one :  " White doctors are better"   Says who ? In the past black doctors did not have a chance to proof themselves but the perception will live on for probably another 100 years or so.

I think it is necessary that black and white accept they have to introduce some other colours into their lives:

Light red represents joy, passion, sensitivity, and love.

Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness.

Dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath.

Brown suggests stability and denotes masculine qualities.

Reddish-brown is associated with harvest and fall.

Red-orange corresponds to desire, passion, pleasure, and thirst for action.

Gold evokes the feeling of prestige. The meaning of gold is illumination, wisdom, and wealth. Gold often symbolizes high quality. 

 I can quote another 50 or so but hopefully you are getting my drift.

To be continued...................................Next chapter :  The total lunacy and stupidity of the South African government relating to the situation in Libia .

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Bull about direct insurance

Reprinted from Moonstone's weekly news letter in the public interest

Myth 2: Financial adviser commission inflates premiums of intermediated product

Willem Roos, the CEO of direct insurer OUTsurance was quoted in Business Report as saying:

“But certainly on average our research indicates we offer better value for money than the intermediated businesses and it’s particularly because the acquisition costs are much lower ... they are not necessarily always the cheapest because you get risk differentiation. We tailor make a premium for each and every client so depending on your risk profile we might actually charge more than an intermediated business.”
FAnews said:

The second myth grew out of the specific theme of direct short-term insurers' advertising. They claimed their pricing 'edge' was due to "cutting out the middle man" and not paying over commission to the intermediary. Consumers bought this claim 'hook, line and sinker' and so it comes as no surprise that the direct life insurers are 'peddling' the same lie. The reality, says Discovery Life, is that higher marketing budgets and operational expenses among direct players, including call centre salaries and sales incentives, replace the commissions paid by traditional insurers to intermediaries. A quick look at the Financial Mail Adfocus, published November 2010, confirms that the country's direct insurers spend heavily on advertising. Six direct insurers feature among South Africa's Top 100 advertisers!

The Discovery research showed that, in their sample, the average premium of direct insurers was 9% higher than that of the intermediated products.

The claim that Discovery used selected market sections rings hollow. The direct houses chose to blame intermediary commission as the reason why they were cheaper. They did not differentiate then, so to use this excuse now won't wash.

What they are focusing on, in my view, is the misguided perception by clients that they can handle their own insurance needs. Consumers are woefully unaware of the cost of their own ignorance when it comes to claims. They only discover the real cost at claim stage.

I must admit to a certain degree of glee when I see statistics like this. The clever Johnnies who burn their fingers when it is revealed that they are not as clever as they thought.

Just this week, Martin Klopper of Worcester shared some hair-raising stories about the cavalier way in which direct short-term insurers tried to rip off a client. Through Martin’s intermediation the client got a fair deal in terms of what he was insured for.

One has to ask how many others who are too obstinate to ask for help get fleeced in this manner.

The intermediated option offers underwriting at application stage; the direct option at claims stage. Is it any wonder then that the following statistics are published in the Discovery study?:

“… the direct insurer had paid R6m in claim, while Discovery had paid R1.12bn. On the other hand the particular direct insurer had R38m in rejected claims, while Discovery Life’s had R23m in rejected claims…”

A common response to the FAnews article was a call for more public exposure of the findings of the survey.

We have in the past refrained from following this route out of concern for the damage this could cause the image of the industry. Times have changed.

As the old saying goes: you should not go into a gun fight with a knife.

If you want to throw mud, expect a backlash.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Client services in perspective : Banks

The following words are used in the banking world and these are undeniable facts: The explanation of the words are generic accepted definitions

1. Client Someone the bank has done business with or is doing business  with.

2. Client Services Something to be delivered to the person mentioned in 1 above.

If applied right this should be the ultimate purpose and vision of a any bank.

3. Profit Although not necessarily contained in their mission and vision statements the actual ultimate purpose of a bank.

4. Loss  : What the bank suffers if they are not paid their fees and interest. At all costs this must be avoided.

5. Client information :   The information the bank should have to be able to manage the relationship with the person in 1. above.

6 FICA :   A South African law governing the relationship of “know your Client."  This is minimum information the bank must have of its Client. Not meant to be a client relationship tool.

Banks have all very impressive advertisements, sayings and probably some of these are actually meant to work in the way it is intended. However hard they try their real purpose of existence is making money and supersedes all other intentions. The love of money and profit when it supersedes everything else can in the most appropriate way be described as “Greed”. So now we are at the point where the statement can be made that banks are in the first instance greedy.

Banks do business in a confrontational manner. Every document you are given to sign, every condition that is enforced on a client, every system* utilized , every action concerning a client is an absolute rule. You cannot negotiate. You cannot change the wording on any document. This is how you do it. This is where you stand or sit when you have to see someone. You have to go into one of the branches if you need to do something. The fact that there are 60 persons already waiting is a non issue. Wait ! I like to call it “hitlerization” Hitler did not understand that he was setting an example. It was only recently perfected when the modern banks came along.

Here is a paragraph strainght out of client service training manual 101 chapter 1 page 1:

“ When a prospective new client walks into the bank you will smile. You will greet him politely. You will determine the purpose of his visit. ( It is very important that these actions be concluded as soon as possible. It must NEVER exceed 2 minutes.) During this period you need to determine the level of this prospective client’s actual Wealth. The bank needs to determine how much money we will be making out of him.

If he wants to open a savings account refer him to enquiries as soon as possible. If he wants a loan he is prime target. The bigger the loan the better.

Should a client want to speak to a consultant about possible defaults or arrears you must understand that although the client might think he is still a client he is not. He is now the enemy. He is the personification of evil. He steals your bonus at the end of the year. Treat him in a manner that he understands he is not a very likeable person anymore. Refer him to the collections department who is specially trained to make him feel guilty , get him to sign new

Promisary notes or even consent to summary judgment. They know how to do this without him actually knowing what he is signing “

Your status as prime client changed to that of criminal the moment you defaulted on something and are now actually costing them money. “You must come and see a consultant” “I am sorry but I will not” Ooh aches and pains “Ok when and where can the consultant see you at a place and time that will suit you sir ? “

Suddenly an attitude change : They might actually lose money now if they do not play to the customers tune !

The big swear word causing all the commotion of course is “Credit” If a potential client visit a bank with the purpose of opening a savings account he will be asked to fill in a form. Hitlerization requires the bank to check his credit record. What the.....hell for? He is not borrowing money ?

Fica sir. Yes Fica you too! Fica does not require the bank to check your credit record but big brother needs to keep track of what you do with your money.

You have to build a “credit record” sir . Why? So you can buy a house or a car on credit – you know we need the interest ( and the funny little costs )

Banks that used to be there to keep you money safe have now created a paperless economy with funny money. They call it “credit” Government even created a new law called the “Credit act”

What was the purpose of this act ? Apparently it was to safeguard the client. Who has been safeguarded apart from the banks ? Pray tell me !

Banks now use this act to their advantage. They pry every little personal detail out of their prospective clients. Nothing is sacred anymore. For them to give you a R 1000 loan they require of you to fill in an umteen forms and documents. Even trying to open a cheque account that does not require any credit facility goes through the same grueling process.

To be continued – These narritives are part of a book being written on banks by the author and is a lighthearted but very serious relay of what is actually going on with the business of the guys that should be looking after your money ( You only think it is still yours – They have misappropriated some of it to their advantage long ago)


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Banking code of conduct

The banks in South Africa adheres (or so they say) to the banking code of conduct of The Banking association of South Africa.
 Full details available here:

Does this give clients a warm and fuzzy feeling ?  Of course !  They just do not know that this is all a big BS story.  It is Bull and the banks know it !

THE following has been copied from the introduction of the Code :

None of the provisions of this Code:
will be legally binding in any court of law;
may be used to influence the interpretation of the legal relationship between you and your bank;
will give rise to a trade custom or tacit contract or otherwise between you and your bank.

Still feeling warm and fuzzy ?  If you do it is caused by the wool that has been pulled over your eyes.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The (un) human factor

It is a fact of life that humans (as we know them) like to think they are in control. The masters of the universe.
Of course we are, We even create our own universes and then these universes start controlling us.Banks are a classic in this regard.  They create systems which is to be followed to the nth degree.  Whether you are the client or the servant (just another name for staff member)
A case in question:  Ask any bank employee (and I mean anyone) to explain to you how they calculate interest on what you owe them.   In detail off course.  I have not met one that can do that!  "There is system sir.............You cannot challenge  it, as it was created by the ultimate fundis! (sir). It is Dogma in the bank"  (see definition of Dogma)

About systems .   It will control every action of every staff member - there is just sooo much information that any bank employee can comprehend .  No matter what the law says - do as the bank says!   Rule one......The client is always right.  Rule 2. Whenever a staff member is involved disregard rule one.   Rule 3.  When it seems that the client is actually right, see rule 2.     Rule 4.  When it seems that the client is really getting the best of the argument, act dumb and run like hell to get an expert(which does not exist in the bank anymore - so just do not come back till you find the elusive expert)

Full details of an actual case can be had by sending me an email ( email address :

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Never ever trust Banks.  They do not have your well being at heart.  This morning in the Rapport newspaper there was another article where the following came out : "Irrespective of the fact that I was negotiating with the bank (FNB) and during that process they attached and sold my house on auction"   Is this an isolated incident?   You can bet your life on it that is not.  My own experience just last month is another.  My bank (ABSA) was in possession of a bank guarantee from a buyer of my property (Please note a bank guarantee - not just the possibility of something - an actual guarantee! ) they still issued summons against me - resulting in me defending the action.  Normally they would see this as a mistake but what do you think happened ? When I defended they tried to apply for immediate judgment. If I was just another ignorant client ( of which they have millions) I would have been the loser.

Suddenly the last few days the banks (apparently in conjunction with the National Credit regulator ) has started an advertising campaign inviting clients in distress with their debt to SPEAK TO THEIR BANKS!

Fall for this trick at your peril !  Beware what they ask you to sign - SIGN nothing ! and I mean Nothing!  Do not make them promises that you know you cannot keep.  Do not sign anything !
If you even consider speaking to them take a debt counselor or an attorney with you - Rather pay an attorney this one time - You will not be sorry.

If I had the money I would put full page advertisements in the Newspaper to warn people against this very evidently new trick to repossess, get quick judgements, defraud clients and I can think of a few other words actions of the BANKS.

Banks will have to clean up their acts before clients in distress can TRUST THEM !