"Born free" is a cliche coined for those born after 1994 in South Africa. Of course without intention from anyone this refers to black children born after 1994. Black is beautiful - White is a no-no. (Black is not a color; a black object absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum and reflects none of them to the eyes. White is a color. White reflects all the colors of the visible light spectrum to the eyes.) This just for the left brainers out there and has no relevance to the article.
a Few other words in this whole shenanigans of race et all needs to be explained here as I will be using them further on in the text:
Partisan : Someone or something that is prejudicial towards a particular point of view.
Animus: A strong feeling of dislike or hatred, A feeling of animosity; ill will
BEE: Another word for racism as practiced in South Africa for the past 20 years
Affirmative action : The fear of 90% of a population that the other 10% will deprive them of opportunities and the consequential laws to counter this fear.
South Africans are a funny bunch - actually a funny mixture of people of colour. Lots of debate is going on about how we interact or should interact with each other. The normal populace, commonly referred to as the "man in the street" does not care much about the shenanigans of the government or the commentators. We have a life to live. Certain challenges face certain people of certain skincolour but then again who gives a damn.
South Africa is the only country in the world and probably in history where the 90% majority is being given prevalence over the other 10% in a system called BEE and where preference is given to you depending on the colour of your skin under the premise of affirmative action. The problem is that the definition of the word is not how it is applied here. (look it up - I am not going to do all the work for you) Another description of the system is called Positive discrimination. Any form of discrimination is discrimination fullstop. An attempt at passing a so called positive discrimination act in Arizona in the US has nearly made them the skunks of the earth - luckily they saw the light of day. When the light of day in darkest South Africa is going to break through the clouds is of course any one's guess.
Getting back to the born frees. If you were born, irrespective of the colour of your skin after 1994 when South Africa became a "born free democracy" in effect you have grown up in the "New South Africa" BUT and this is the big BUT. if you are anything but white you are covered by the BEE system and you do not have to worry. Now why White "Born free" youngsters are excluded from this exclusive club is beyond my understanding. This is where the 2 words Partisan and animus comes in. The Government is partisan to the idea of BEE (maybe it is just plain racist) and they are also animus towards the idea that the White born frees are going to take over the country in some way or another.
South Africa is the only country in the world and probably in history where the 90% majority is being given prevalence over the other 10% in a system called BEE and where preference is given to you depending on the colour of your skin under the premise of affirmative action. The problem is that the definition of the word is not how it is applied here. (look it up - I am not going to do all the work for you) Another description of the system is called Positive discrimination. Any form of discrimination is discrimination fullstop. An attempt at passing a so called positive discrimination act in Arizona in the US has nearly made them the skunks of the earth - luckily they saw the light of day. When the light of day in darkest South Africa is going to break through the clouds is of course any one's guess.
Getting back to the born frees. If you were born, irrespective of the colour of your skin after 1994 when South Africa became a "born free democracy" in effect you have grown up in the "New South Africa" BUT and this is the big BUT. if you are anything but white you are covered by the BEE system and you do not have to worry. Now why White "Born free" youngsters are excluded from this exclusive club is beyond my understanding. This is where the 2 words Partisan and animus comes in. The Government is partisan to the idea of BEE (maybe it is just plain racist) and they are also animus towards the idea that the White born frees are going to take over the country in some way or another.