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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Grumpy people

I think it is time for some light heartedness- so let't talk about something lightly (is that the right phrase?- whatever.

I was going to say grumpy old men but then I remembered that women can also be grumpy and old . I was going to say grumpy old people and then it struck me : Nowadays it is the young(er) ones that can be grumpy as hell.
As one grow older (I did not say old) one finds that you get grumpy for all sorts of reasons.  I find it in traffic and have to constantly talk to myself about this.    Only this morning a woman in a BMW cut in front of me and I immediately got on the hooter.   Now you have to hear the hooter on my car. It lifts you out of your seat even when you drive a BMW. (Oh I haven't said it yet - I despise BMW drivers because they think they own the road.)  If you drive one and you get to sit on my rear end you are in for a treat. I will brake for no reason every few seconds until you find that I do not like you on my rear end.    When the road is open you might find it hard to get past me (You might succeed if you have a really fast Beemer).  Anyway - this poor women was scared out of her wits and in her panic nearly made an accident. This was when I realized : I am also a grumpy person ( also note that I didn't say "old" or "man" ) Even though the whole incident was actually her fault - she really cut in front of me with no indication whatever and if I didn't have all those fancy
anti-skid, abs and a few other things I just might have hit her.  But beside the satisfaction of seeing her reaction to my hooting I could have caused an accident.

So what am I on about ?  I will try not to be so grumpy in traffic anymore - anyway for now until tomorrow.

Isn't this how life works anyway ?  Resolutions only last a few hours !