Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome is an illness where the persons having it has difficulty in reading amongst others black writing on white paper. It can also be described as "restricted field of clear vision", and has a common name : Irlens disease. This is treated with very good effect by introducing other colours into the equation. That is the first definition I need to explain here. The second one can be called " Constricted field of vision" it's common name being tunnel vision. My perseption is that it is not really treatable. You do not see the sides of the tunnel - just the little light at the end of the tunnel. The latter is figuratively speaking whilst the first one is a physical illness. Both however can be used figuratively as I am going to do here.
Getting back to Irlen: It shows that colour is of the utmost importance, whilst the problem mainly lies in black and white. I am not going discuss the definition of certain colours here and I am also referring to white and black as colours. Colour is a fact of life and the spectrum is enormous. The reference to "people of colour" normally refers to people that are not white.
Traditionally in the Western world people of colour have been suppressed and oppressed a lot, also in South Africa. During the last century or so things have slowly started to change to the extend that the mightest of nations now has a president of colour. The whole government in South Africa now basically consist of "people of colour"
Now it is a fact that "people of colour" are very sensitive about the colour of their skin and any reference to it will immediately be labled as "racist" The previous government introduced labour reservation which basically reserved certain work for Whites only. Come the new government they just relabled it and tweeked it a bit and called it "Affirmative action" Any student of the latter definition will know that the definition as it was originally created in the USA actually stated the opposite of what it is used for here. (The colour of your skin cannot influence your job application.)
In forums where I am involved in on the internet it is evident that the colour issue has not and probably will not in the near ( or even distant ) future be laid to rest. Terms like white supremists and black consciousness are quite often mentioned. You will see that I am quoting these things with no feeling for whatever colour is involved. I feel nothing for one of the terms. It is being kept alive by laws of a visionless government with visionless leaders. Their ability to see the outside from anywhere but the tunnel they are in is totally constricted. Hence the referal to tunnel vision. ( I have argued the point about BEE and its sister Affirmative action before and still contend it to be the core of sustained rascism )
Lastly (for now anyway) the issue of perceptions. It cannot be argued away that certain perseptions are being kept alive by all sorts of people and the press. Some of these are : "People of colour are more likely to be a criminal" As you all know : The truth has nothing to do with this , it is only the perception that counts.
Now people make videos and films on this and try and proof a point whilst the film or video actually creates the perception. Another one : " White doctors are better" Says who ? In the past black doctors did not have a chance to proof themselves but the perception will live on for probably another 100 years or so.
I think it is necessary that black and white accept they have to introduce some other colours into their lives:
Light red represents joy, passion, sensitivity, and love.
Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness.
Dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath.
Brown suggests stability and denotes masculine qualities.
Reddish-brown is associated with harvest and fall.
Red-orange corresponds to desire, passion, pleasure, and thirst for action.
Gold evokes the feeling of prestige. The meaning of gold is illumination, wisdom, and wealth. Gold often symbolizes high quality.
I can quote another 50 or so but hopefully you are getting my drift.
To be continued...................................Next chapter : The total lunacy and stupidity of the South African government relating to the situation in Libia .
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